Picking Out the Ripe Avocados

In a perfect world, every avocado you cut into is perfectly ripe and creamy, with its flesh peeling right off the skin. But unfortunately, there have been many a time when you slice your expensive avocado in half, only to discover that it’s hard as a rock. To avoid the disappointment of an unripe avo, there are a few ways to check whether the fruit is ready to be eaten.

One of the ways to check this is by picking up the avocado and feeling it in your hand. If it feels heavy and has a rough, dark green skin, it means that it’s ripe and creamy. Even if you buy an unripe avocado, you can simply chuck in a paper bag and leave it out for a few days until it matures. If you want to speed up the ripening process, we recommend putting the avocado next to a banana for at least 24 hours.